Domus is a non-for-profit foundation that focuses on bringing life skills, essential to living a successful life, to underprivileged children and their families. On Sunday September 29, 2013, they are hosting an event at Cove Island Park (in Stamford) called the "Niner". Domus advertises the "Niner" as "A challenging athletic competition that’s more interesting than a
triathlon but not as dangerous as the Tough Mudder or that crazy race
done at midnight in chest-deep cold water." All of the proceeds will go to helping these children and families achieve success. To learn more about Domus please visit their website
here. To learn more about the "Niner" visit their website
Now you may be asking yourself: why am I reading about Domus and the "Niner"? Here at Elevate, we are going to form a team (clients and trainers alike) and compete in order to, one, help the kids and their families, and, two, show we can kick some ass. It's going to be tough but that's why we have already started training. Todays workout was as follows:
49 Burpees
139 Lunges
3.5 Minute Plank
50 Hand-Release Push-Ups
1 Mile Run
5 Pull Ups (2x)
15 Weighted Squat (2x)
15 Bent Over Row (2x)
50 Straight Leg Bicycle Kicks (2x)
15 Side Planks (each side and 2x)
0.5 Mile Run
25 Bench Hop-On's (2x)
15 Deadlifts (2x)
30 Seconds of Battle Ropes (2x)
15 Rope Tricep Extensions (2x)