Thursday, August 11, 2011

We need your help!!!

I hope this finds you well.
I decided to sign up and run in the NYC marathon
for the Robin Hood Foundation (
I cant believe it either.
This decision couldn't have come in a more meaningful time in my life. I am committed to diligently training and succeeding in this momentous event.
I chose the Robin Hood Foundation, rather the Robin Hood Foundation chose me a long time ago.
The foundation targets poverty for kids and families (
Growing up my mom and I never had any money, yet we always
got by on hard work and commitment. Those are true values that will take you far in life and that will get me to finish this marathon.. The Robin Hood Foundation helps children that don't have ANY hope. I am committed to running this race for them.
Please help me raise $5000 to make lives better.
Please donate by clicking on this link

I greatly appreciate all your love any support. My goal is to run this thing in under 4 hours. WOW.
I am committed to this and will work my tail off to do it.

Thanks again for your donations



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