Friday, August 14, 2009

Fridays workout at Elevate Fitness

Warm up
Sprint in place* power jaxs* jumps* high knee* mummy kicks
Each exercise of 1 minute for 3 straight rounds. increase the intensity every round

workout ( Each exercise is one minute long. complete 3 rounds of each while increasing the intensity each round)

*push up jaxs
*shoulder press with hands on the floor
*pull ups with stability ball in legs
*jump squats

*Globe jumps
*Cable flies
*rows withe cable on BOSU
*Dips on floor

*Front kicks- punches
*Belt Kicks - push punches

Friday, August 7, 2009

Trainers workout

4 rounds
as many reps as you can in 60 seconds on
10 seconds off

Squat to over head press with med ball
kettlebell single leg squat
5 push ups to 5 punches
pull ups


Kettlebell swings
dead lifts
wall sits

Monday, August 3, 2009

Gary's workout 8/03/09

warm up
50 push ups
50 squats

kettlebell squats 2x30
kettlebell swings 2x30
kettlebell shoulder press 2x30
plank 1 minute 2 times

Jump rope 100 jumps in a row
mountain climbers 100

push up to row 2x30
burpee tp over head press with med ball 2x15
Jumping alternating lunges 2x40
crunches 2x50
Bicep curls top shoulder press 2x20
dips on bench with feet on stability ball 2x20
sprint on treadmil 1 lap at 8mph 2 times

Cardio run

Run 5 miles

kick ass cardio workout

Do as many rounds as you can in
30 minutes.

NO BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!

Burpees 50
squats 100
push ups 50
crunches 100

Gym workout

dumbbell chest press on bench 3x 1 minute
squat to cable row 3 x 1 minute
Walking lunges 3 x 1minute

Burpees 20

bent over rows with dumbbell 3x20
bicep curls to shoulder press 3x20
push ups 3x20
dips on bench 3x20

water breack

Plank 1 minute 3 times
crunches 200

Cardio workout

Do every exersice 3 times

Jumping jaxs x 100
Mountain climbers x 100
Burpees x 50
Sprints in place x 30 seconds
Jump squats x 30