Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

1% better every day

I heard someone say today that in order to achieve a goal that you want you can not neglect the little things that you have to do everyday.
For example: If you want to lose weight, you have to workout and eat right.
If you don't want your teeth to fall out, you have to brush them and floss everyday.

Simple to do BUT easy not to do.

There lays the dilemma. If we know we are suppose to do something but we choose not to. We tell ourselves that we'll get to it tomorrow. Thats where you have to get real with yourself. Do you really want to achieve this goal or do you just want to make an excuse?

We all can get at lest 1% better everyday. If we do this everyday at the end of the week that 7%.
Lets take it one day at a time.