Friday, January 14, 2011

Thursday's group workout

4 rounds

Burpee->2 push ups -> 2 frog jumps...15
Jump split squats...20ea
single arm kettlebell swing...25ea

cardio (10 rounds)
mountain climbers...10
push up...10

4 rounds

DB shoulder press on knees...20
close grip push up on knee...20
rear delt flys...20
jump squats...30

Repeat cardio

2 rounds

Toe touch...50
bike crunches...10
full plank knee to elbow...25es

Have Fun!!!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 15: Cardio

Day 15: Back in the grove again after being sick all weekend. Not easy to get back but I have to do it.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

2 videos today

Saturday bootcamp

We just did a sick Saturday boot-camp workout.
I'm spent!!

check it out: workout 30 seconds on 15 seconds off. Do each exercise 5 times
before moving onto the next.

1. Band squat shoulder press
2. TRX Row
3. Band punches
4. Stability ball leg curls
5. slider mt. climbers
6. ball slams
7. jumping slit squats
8. alt v-ups
9. band curls
10. toe taps with med ball
11. sprint on treadmill at speed 10.0

Do the workout and please post your results in the comments.
Have a great weekend.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 8: Challange

100 Jumping Jacks
50 Jump Squats
40 Tricep Dips
100 Squats
70 Orange Band Rows
100 Bike Crunches
100 Alt. Lunges
70 Push-ups
100 Mt. Climbers
25 Red Band Overhead Press

As many rounds as you can in 50 min. Quality not Quantity!!!!

Good Luck! Re-visiting in 1 month.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

day 6 1/2/2011

38 minute run

Day 5 1/1/2011

Rest day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deb and Brendan got married today in Central park.
It was perfect!!!!