Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I have to be perfect with my diet. Why?

I cant stress this one enough. To may times people beat themselves up because they feel like they have to be perfect at what they do. Especially at their diet if they're trying to lose weight.

Im going to give you some inside trainer information here, so listen up. My favorite food is pizza. And guess what, I eat it. WOW!! No way, you're a trainer and you look so fit. Your right, I am a trainer and I do look fit, because I dont eat it everyday and I work my ass off in the gym.

Dont kill yourself if you're not perfect on your diet. use the 90% rule. You'll be perfect only 90% of the time. That way you're not setting yourself up for falure.

Have the cookie, but only have one. I dont care what anyone says, you CAN only have one. You dont need to eat the whole box. We all know what we are suppose to be eating and not eating.
If you have questions about a diet or need help go to and click on the "Carp rotation diet" link. It works wonders.

leave me some questions.

Live life to the fullest!!


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